With his harsh accent from his native Romania , he is an artist even in the way he talks ., he takes after the one who has alot of experience , Matei Negreanu is a glassblower with hidden talents , holder of adegree in fine art in decorative arts in Bucarest , where he was born in 1941 , Negreanu conceived models in glass for the Ministry of Light Industry until1981 when he chose to move to France as his country of adoption .
Since the following year , has he worked or has he entertained himself ? As he contributed to the creation of scenery and costumes at Theâtre de la Ville de Paris for Gorki’s play : “the seediest parts of town “( les bas fonds ) and he immediately in Aix en Provence for the Enchanted Flute (la flûte enchantée).Glass scenery, costumes designer, he was an engraver too. This is therefore how he also attended the course in international engraving in Segovia Spain.
But among all materials he chose and being attracted by monumental production in 1983, he built a magnificent table which was to be acquired by the ministry of culture (ministère de la culture) for the national Centre of Plastic Arts.
It is in that very period that Matei Negreanu started to use glass strips. He managed through clever collages to achieve foliated pieces which he then sanded and engraved .
His infinite –oriented works got an extra ordinary success and exhibitions grew continuously in number in France, England, the USA. Negreanu was appreciated.He more and more got involved in monumental productions and his mastery was asserted beyond the shadow of a doubt, even for the fiercest critics.
In 1958, he was shortlisted for the competition for the art of contemporary glass in Europe One of his pieces was acquired by the museum of Decorative Art in Paris.
To celebrate his success, spaces were reserved for him.
He therefore learnt to master all the techniques besides the knack to combine processes. Creating original works where massive and transparent forms get matched to black opalined blocks, processed underherat polished and clipped. He was also nimble fingered in the alloy of materials as he did in his last crations.
Matei Negreanu also produced a series of mini–volume sculptures translucid crystal or coloured in enamals. Today he is carrying on with new works combining art and talent, techniques, years of practice.
Matei Negreanu’s works are inclided in the state collections in bucarest ; and in public collections in Florence, Porto Rico, Paris, Bordeaux as well as the museums of Sars Poteries and unterlinden in Colmar.
We can find them in numerous private collections, he exhibited in differents capitals in Europe and in the USA.