The magic of the glass

Paul Claudel, the French poet sang it in the listening eye Glass, that material born from the magic and the combination of four elements .

Claudel was  perfectly  right : is it not magical   that fire produced out of  by means of  sand

and  air blowing to see glass appearing ; this solidified liquid , that is fashioned  by stretching »

the origin of glass goes back to the dawn of times , in that privileged land of the middle east where man was a nomad first then he became a sedentary agent .He had to live , survive, organize  himself , discover  by chance glass in the fifth millennium BC in Syria

It is in Mesopotamia, where the first phials or glass vases were designed  in old fashion and rolled up on a sand stone, would be found.

Starting from this discovery, nothing would stop this conquest of the planet (world).

In the history of glass carving, the discovery of blow pipe invited just before the Christian era.

In Poenicia will revolutionize the glassblowers’ world. For 2000 years, blow piping has produced a style  to a type of glassware= glassblowing made .

In reality the glass art with its acknowledged master-pieces has set anew this extraordinary material: have changed from top to bottom born from sand and fire heat seven thousand years ago.


What did Claudel (1868-1955) say about it ? :

But before glass,

The architect from the layout that he knows

Builds the stone device

Similar to a filter in the light stream of water

And  gives the whole building its Orient

Like a well oriented pearl...

