Artiste Tchèque, née en 1932.
"The secret of the artist is the way she paints the glass plates. Who looks at the object edgewise does not see anything. Who looks from the top or askew on the carefully arranged plates sees and believes that he suddenly discovers a sphere. It stems from a mirage, created by the sophisticated painting.
Plate? Sphere? It has been something here before. There were times people believed, that they were living on a table. Then slowly was put across the right theory. Jiřina ?ertová shifts now both these theories together: the right one is actually included in the false one. On the other hand maybe we can see the right one only through the false one".
Ernst Brennecke, 9 Aril 2005
Education et carrière
1947-1950 State School for Graphic Arts, Prague
1950-1955 Academy of Arts Architecture and Design, Prague
Since 1956 Independent artist, external cooperation with glass industry, design of domestic glass (Glassworks Bohemia Poděbrady), free blown and engraved glass (ÚUŘ – Škrdlovice Glassworks)
At the end of the fifties and in the sixties her work was completely transferred to create spacious glass s culptures in glass works, that she finalize by combining the glass with metal or wood.
Seventies and eighties
In the late seventies she starts to place her objects on painted pedestals or flats, later she begginws to use the painting also to put the finishing touches to the glass objects. Spatious wildly painted free-blown objects are typical for her work from the eighties.
After 1990
A big changeover in her work comes after the year 1990 when she goes over to painting on glass plates and by stacking them she creates interesting mirages.
1957 Trienale di Milano, silver medal, Milan, IT
1973 Galerie Lobmeyer, Wien, AT
1975 North Bohemian Museum, Liberec, CZ
1982 Gallery Rob van den Doel, Gravenhaven, NL
1984 Galerie Centrum, Prague, CZ
1987 Galerie Centrum, Prague, CZ
1988 galerie Gottschalk – Betz, Frankfurt A.M., DE
1992 Miller Gallery, New York, USA
1994 Galerie Domu U Jonáše, Pardubice, CZ
1998 Bender-Boehringer – Zentrum, Wien, AT
1999 Gallery of Fine Art, Ostrava-Poruba, CZ
2001 Gallery of Fine Art, Znojmo, CZ
2005 Glasgalerie Hittfeld, Hamburg, DE
2006 Leo Kaplan Modern, New York, USA
Collections publiques
Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ
Museum of Glass and jewellery, Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ
North Bohemian Museum, Liberec, CZ
Crystalex., Nový Bor, CZ
East Bohemian Museum, Pardubice, CZ
Museum of Applied Arts, Prague, CZ
Kunstsammlungen der Veste, Coburg, DE
The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York, USA
Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, DE
Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, DK
Museum für Kunst und Gewerde, Hamburg, DE
Museum, Jelenia Góra, PL
Musée des Arts Décoratifs de la Ville, Lausanne, CH
The Lannan Foundation of Contemporary Arts, Palm Beach, USA
Museum Narodowe, Wroclaw, PL
Steinberg Foundation, Vaduz, LI
Museum of Science and Industry, Los Angeles, USA
Sélection d'expositions depuis 1990
1990 International Exhibition of Glass, Kanazawa, JP
1990 New Glass in Europe, Düsseldorf, DE
1991 Configura, Art in Europe, Erfurt, DE
1991 Centre St. Severe, Glass, Rouen, FR
1991-1992 Prague Glass Prize, Gallery Mánes, Prague, CZ / Heller Gallery, New York, USA
1993 Bohemia Crystal, Segovia, SP
1994 Glass of the 20th Centruy, East Bohemian Museum, Pardubice, CZ
1994 Prague Glass Art, Historisches Muzeum Bamberg, DE
1996 International Glass Exhibition Venezia Aperto Vetro, Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Venezia, IT
1997 Glass Art from Czech republic, Bender Art Calender 98, Wien, AT
2000 Light – Transfigured, Hida, Takayama, Gifu, JP
2001 Sensitive Touch, Studio Glass Gallery, London, GB
2001-2007 Verriales, Galerie Internationale du Verre, Biot, FR
2003 and 2006 IGS Crystalex, Nový Bor, CZ
2004 Sculptures – Seuil, L´Institut français de Prague, CZ
2004 Leo Kaplan Modern, New York, USA
2004 International Exhibition of Glass, Kanazawa, JP
2005 Tschechisches Glas 1945-1980, Düsseldorf, DE
2005 Expo 2005, Aichi, JP
2006 S.V.U. Mánes, Gallery Diamant, Prague, CZ
2007 Czech Glass Art 1945-1980, Veletr?ní palác, Prague, CZ