Les sculptures sont créées par la fusion du verre plat, d?une épaisseur minimum de 1mm, dans un four électrique. Ensuite il faut compter le temps de refroidissement de quelques jours ou bien plusieurs semaines. Puis, on ajoute des éléments de peinture ? les materiaux de cuisson, comme les pigments, et des oxydes métalliques (or, argent, larget). Ces procédures pour obtenir les colorations sont dans un premier temps chauffées à la temperature de 560°C, puis fusionnées dans un bloc compact. Ce bloc est taillé d´après une conception artistique par une scie diamant, et puis taillé et poli par des disques horizontaux ou verticaux.
Pour le cas de sculpture alliant plusieurs matériaux : "Connection", le verre est travaillé avec un acier inoxydable.
Parfois, une oeuvre peut encore être peinte sur la surface polie et encore une fois recuite dans un four.
Date of birth: 10.09.1952
Education: 1968-1971 Secondary Educational Establishment of Glass o.p. Crystalex, Novy Bor
1971-1975 Secondary Glass School of Applied Arts Kamenicky Senov
(specialization:painting,corroding and sanding of glass,Mr.Rybacek,Mr. Kochrda)
991 20th Anniversary Show, Gallery "L", Hamburg, Germany
1994 Gallery Art du Verre, Luxemburg
1996 Gallery Broft, Eindhoven, Holland
2OO3 Gallery Pyramida, Prague, Czech RepublicAttendance at collective exhibitions:
1976 Prague-Fragner Gallery, Czech Republic
1978 The North - Czech Museum, Liberec, Czech Republic
1980 IHM, Munich, Germany, UNESCO, Belgrade, Jugoslavia
1981 The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York, USA, Rozen Gallery, Holland
1985 Moravian Gallery, Brno, 7th competition of cropped and cut glass, Czech Republic
1986 IHM Munich, Germany
- Rob van den Doel Gallery, the Hague, Holland
- Glass Art Gallery manfred Glatz, Stuttgard, Germany
- Gallery Lafontaine, Saarbrucken, Germany
- Interart 86, Poznan, Poland
- Glass Art Gallery Schwennenbach, Germany
1987 IHM Munich, Germany
- Gallery Transparence, Brussels, Belgium
- Rosenthal, Art Studio, Hamburg, Germany
- Towo Art Center, Japan
- Glass Sculpture, Art Gallery Brno, Czech Republic
- Graphic and Overtime Glass from Bohemia, Bielefeld, Germany
- New Glass- Czechoslovakia, Heller Gallery, New York, USA
- Glass Now 87- Yamaha Galleries, Tokyo, Japan
- Contemporary glass sculpture and glass jewel - Czechoslovakia, M.A. Bazovsky Gallery, Trencin,
- H. Ohrner, GMD, Munich, Germany
- IFM Frankfurt, Germany
- Ain Co., Ltd. Japan
- Congress Hall, Coburg, Germany
- Moravian Gallery, Brno, 8th competition of cropped and cut glass, Czech Republic
- Holsten gallery, Palm Beach, Florida, USA
1988 Glass Art Gallery Nordend, Munich, Germany
- IHM Munich, Germany
- Glass Now 88, Yamaha Galleries, Tokyo, Japan
- Marko Crystal, USAGlass Art Gallery Hafendamm, Flensburg, Germany
- Interart 88, Poznan, Poland
- Essener Glass Art Gallery, Essen, Germany
1989 Holsten Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida, USA
- Cristalo D`Arte Cecoslovacco, Rome, Italy
- IHM Munich, Germany
- Gallery"L", Hamburg, Germany
- Lee Sclar Gallery, New Jersey, USA
- Rob van den Doel Gallery, the Hague, Holland
- Essener Glass Art Gallery, Essen, Germany
- Gallery Suzel Berna, France
- Museum for Art and Craft, Hamburg, Germany
- Gallery of Glass and Pottery, Bonn, Germany
- Glass Art-Czechoslovakia, Amtshaus Moisburg, Glass Art Gallery Hittfeld, Germany
- Glass Art-Czechoslovakia, Hamburg-Center, Glass Art Gallery Hittfeld, Germany
- Towo Art Center, Japan
1990 Art Gallery of State Technical University of California, San Obispo, USA
- The Exhibition Hall in Heilbronn, Germany
- Glass Sculpture, The Museum in Zdar nad Sazavou,Czech Republic
1991 Institute of Men and Worldwork, Baden-Baden, Germany
- Glas Now 92, Yamaha Galleries, Tokyo, Japan
- Prague, The Exhibition Hall Manes, Prague Glass Prize 91, Czech Republic
- Glasswork Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1992 Heller Gallery, New York, USA
- Glass Now 92, Yamaha Galleries, Tokyo, Japan
- Glass Sculpture 92, Art Gallery Brno, Czech Republic
- Beeldspraak Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland
- Wertheimer Museum of Glass, Germany
- The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 92, Japan
- Norre Port, Halmstad, Sweden
- IFM Frankfurt, Germany
- Art Q Form Gallery, Arnbruck, Germany
- E. Stolting Glass Art Gallery, Arnbruck, Germany
1993 Art Q Form Gallery, Arnbruck, Germany
- Art Glass Centre, Schalkwijk, Holland
- E. Stolting Glass Art Gallery, Hittfeld, Germany
- Gottschalk-Betz Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany
- Glass Art Gallery, Toronto, Canada
- The International Exhibition of Glass, Nürnberg, Germany
- Van Noordenne, Holland
- Wertheimer Glass Art, Germany
1994 Vetro Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany
- Glass Now 94, Yamaha Galleries, Tokyo, Japan
- The Middle Europe Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Lafontaine, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Gallery D`art, Montreux, Switzerland
1995 Glass Now 95, Yamaha Galleries, Japan
- Gallery Art du Verre, Luxemburg
- Glass Art Gallery Frauenau, Germany
- Museum for Art and Craft, Hamburg, Germany
1996 Gallery Art du Verre, Luxemburg
1997 Gallery "L", Hamburg, Germany
- Gallery Mozart, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Pyramida, Prague, Czech Republic
- Fine Art, Hamburg, Germany
1998 Espai Vidre Fundacio- CVB, Barcelona, Spain
- Gallery Pyramida, Prague, Czech Republic
- Museum for Art and Craft, Hamburg, Germany
1999 Gallery Mozart, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Art du Verre, Luxemburg
- Teplice, The City Museum/"Togehter" 30 years of Float in Glass Art Glaverbel Czech 1999- Teplice
- Zlata Debnar Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2OOO Gallery"Z", Prague, Czech Republic
2OO1 Gallery Pyramida, Prague, Czech Republic
2OO2 Gallery Minea, "2nd Festival of Art Glass", Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
2OO3 IHM-Munich, Germany
- Gallery"Z", Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Pyramida, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Meridian, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Doxa, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
- Gallery Minea,"3rd Festival of Art Glass",Karlovy Vary,Czech Republic
2OO4 Gallery Brehova, Prague, Czech Republic
- Gallery Pyramida, Prague,Czech Republic
- Gallery Meridian, Prague,Czech Republic
- Gallery Doxa, Cesky Krumlov,Czech Republic
- Gallery Minea,"4th Festival of Art Glass",Karlovy Vary,Czech Republic
2005 Gallery Brehova,Prague,Czech Republic
- Gallery Pyramida, Prague,Czech Republic
- Gallery Meridian, Prague,Czech Rebublic
- Gallery Doxa, Cesky Krumlov,Czech Republic
- Gallery Minea,5th Festival of Art Glass",Karlovy Vary,Czech Republic
Attendance at public collections:
The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York, USA
Moravian Gallery Brno, Czech Republic
National Museum Poznan, Poland
National Museum Wroclaw, Poland
East-Bohemian Museum in Pardubice,Czech Republic
Triennale- Prize, The International Competition of Glass Art, Nürnberg, Germany, 1993